ERP Solution for Retail Industry

The next stage of customer experience is here, fusing brick and mortar to all web operations from ecommerce to mobile browsing. More than ever, retailers need to coordinate all of their activities on one platform to succeed your retail enterprise with integrated customer experience  solutions provided by Focus 9 ERP.

Focus Softnet’s Focus 9 ERP is a versatile, modular solution to retail management, so retail outlets can ensure that the user experience flows seamlessly from one channel to another.

Integrated point of sale system

On-site and online ordering is easy with the Focus 9 ERP’s integrated POS. Check-out is more convenient with an available touchscreen interface or when staff can to bring to the checkout process to the customer with a tablet POS. Online ordering, too, is effortless and hassle-free for both customers and retailers – leading to higher conversion rates. 

Focus 9 ERP and POS can also help brick and mortar outlets become omni-channel and set up or manage online retail outlets, organizing all processes under one workflow.

Focus POS helps stores to:

  • Manage and sync multiple outlets and online ordering
  • Track inventory 
  • Monitor KPIs 
  • Ensure customer satisfaction with accurate and secure ordering
  • Create  customer loyalty programs and rewards systems to track and retain customers

Focus’s mobile POS  frees workers up to support the customer and create meaningful relationships – the best loyalty program available. 

focus ai erp dashboard
ai powered erp crm software

Integrated customer experience

The fight for market share in retail is fierce and only a consistent customer experience both online and brick-and-mortar will work to ensure growth. With Focus 9 ERP, outlets can integrate online transactions with physical in-store pickups.

Smart features allow your store and back office to: 

  • Track the sales life cycle
  • Gain insights about customer interaction with the brand
  • Communicate and manage roles within the sales team hierarchy seamlessly
  • Integrate your ecommerce operations with your brick and mortar store

The integrated CRM within Focus 9 ERP increases ROI with reliable analytics.

Smart human capital management

Retail can be painful and turnover is a problem that will never go away. That’s why having an automated HR life cycle solution is essential to focusing on your business instead of countless hours on admin. With Focus 9 ERP, retail outlets can transform human resources tasks into manageable and convenient workflows.

Centra’s ERP’s retail-focused HCM can:

  • Streamline recruiting and onboarding
  • Post jobs online with powerful APIs
  • Ensure error-free payroll calculations (with leave adjustments)
  • Manage internal and external  communication 
  • Provide powerful HCM reports and metrics 
  • Coordinate and track training and employee assets easily
  • Smart attendance using biometrics and geofencing
  • Schedule shifts and request leave online

Centra HCM gives retail outlets a comprehensive view of the workforce, making it easy to assess strengths and weaknesses overall and make future adjustments with hiring and training. 

focus soft erp solutions ai powered erp and erp software
focus ai erp dashboard

Easily customizable

Focus 9 ERP can be quickly implemented with drag and drop customizations – no coding knowledge necessary. With thousands of integrations available right out of the box, compatibility with the applications already in place is assured so that processes aren’t replicated. Focus 9 uses RESTful API so integrations with established applications are seamless and efficient. 

Focus 9’s retail ERP:

  • Integrates seamlessly with many of the applications already in use
  • Is versatile, addressing the unique needs of retail storefronts
  • Is reliable and stable with quick customer support
  • Is surprisingly affordable – we want to be the industry price disruptor

Let Focus Softnet help your retail outfit streamline data and processes with Focus 9 ERP. 


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Focus 9 AI Powered ERP Solution for Retail Industry

Focus 9 ERP for Retail is a versatile, modular solution to retail management, so retail outlets can ensure that the user experience flows seamlessly from one channel to another. CRM – manage leads, customers and workflows. Focus AI bots and machine learning engines can automate customer service, back-office, finance, HR and many administrative operations.

Operating System: "Windows", "OSX", "Android", "IOS"

Application Category: "Business"

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